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Silver Wings National President

During my time as Silver Wings National President, I learned more about leadership than I ever thought possible. I had to make difficult decisions, communicate my expectations clearly, interact with high ranking officials in the Air Force, and lead a Nation of Chapters through a tumultuous year. Throughout my year as National President, I traveled all around the country and spoke to thousands of students, both cadets and civilians, at multiple conferences. This not only helped me sharpen my public speaking skills, but it also taught me about the rigidity of presenting Military briefs and how to read a room to know what to focus in on and what to spend a little less time on. Often times I would find out that I needed to give a presentation just moments before, so I had to think on my feet quickly to put together an effective and informational brief.


If I had to choose the biggest lesson I learned during my tenure as National President, it would be learning to pick your battles. I had to make many difficult decisions and sometimes those decisions were to do nothing. If you know me, you know that this is not my personality at all. Learning to look at the big picture and analyze the entire situation and then make a decision on how to move forward was a valuable and critical lesson I had to learn. Although evert situation is difficult in its own unique way, in the end I gained the ability to look at a situation objectively and try and make the best call on how to move forward for the betterment of the chapter, region, or nation as a whole.


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