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Analyze, Think, & Solve

The third core competency set forth by NASPAA is the ability to analyze, synthesize, think critically, solve problems, and make decisions. This involves: critically evaluating the assumptions and arguments about both policy and organizational matters in the public and non-profit sectors; write papers and memos making policy recommendations; write papers and memos making recommendations about organizational and human resources issues; identify and critically analyze assumptions in the public administration literature; trace through how decisions by public and non-profit organizations produce policy outcomes that affect the lives of specific groups and communities; use SPSS to create and analyze databases for public policy analysis; and use EXCEL to create databases and conduct budgetary analysis. To illustrate this competency, I've chosen the following coursework:


1 | POLI 7000 - Research Methods | Project Part B


Data Analysis with EXCEL | Bivariate & Univariate Analysis | Understanding Data


In Dr. Brown's Research Methods class, I learned how to analyze data and understand what the implications could be depending on the outcomes. The topic I decided to focus in on for this project was factors that influence voter registration. Using voter registration as my dependent variable, and internet access, federal oversight, and party control as my independent variables, I was able to analyze these variables in EXCEL to determine whether or not there was any connection between the dependent and independent variables. Research Methods and this project in particular, helped me extensively in understanding not only how to create and analyze databases, but also how to draw conclusions and better understand what the data is saying. Since I've taken this class in the spring of 2017, I've used the information I learned in nearly all of my other classes, my summer internship, and my graduate fellowship.
















































2 | POLI 7150 - Public Personnel | HR Reports 1, 2, & 3


Applying HR Policies | Implementing Inclusion | Creating Diversity


In Public Personnel, the three HR Reports I wrote regarding ADA practices within HR helped me master this third core competency in regards to being able write papers and memos making recommendations about organizational and human resources issues. Through these three reports, along with my other Personnel coursework, I was able to better understand how the ADA plays into HR practices not only in legal ways, but also in practical ways. This truly helped prepare me for my graduate fellowship, where I've worked closely with the City of Auburn's HR Department to develop training for all employees on the ADA, reasonable accommodations, and basic disability etiquette. ADA in relation to HR is key in helping ensure that both the businesses rights and the rights of people with disabilities are upheld, and these assignments helped me learn how to find the balance and harmony between those two parties.


Part B


Report 1


Report 2


Report 3

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